Partner reading in Grade 1 & 2

Students learn so much from each other by reading and questioning and listening and thinking.

Comparing cities

Grade 2 students discover many differences between Kitchener and toronto including size and the CN Tower. They will soon investigate which city has more people. It is not as obvious to a grade 2 inquiring mind. They will discover this for themselves

Pizza Parents

It takes a village to raise a child and these parents complete our week each Friday to bring smiles to our students’ faces with PIZZA. Thank you parent volunteers.

Math in Kindergarten

Students learn math concepts in so many ways. Pictures below are two kindergarten students playing games to consolidate their knowledge of numbers.

Grade 6 Book Studies

Demonstrating comprehension is key to successful reading. Grade 6 students are creative in their way of demonstrating their knowledge about the characters in the books they have read.

Our parents at work again

Thank you parent volunteers for running a fantastic book fair at Mackenzie King.

Discovering Empathy with Learning Buddies

Learning Buddies in grades 3, 4 and 5 learn and talk about walking in someone else’s shoes. We are a caring community at Mackenzie King. We encourage everyone to show empathy to others at all times. When you have a choice, choose positivity over negativity. It makes our world a better place!

Students Simulate Playing a Game with Low Vision

Dance Club meets weekly at MK

Girls and boys move with the beat and rhythm during nutrition break dance club practice. Thanks to the McBride sister teaching team for sharing their talents and leadership with our students. Can’t wait to see their performance at our Holiday Concert.

The Integrated Arts Program Info Night is Coming!

The Waterloo Region Integrated Arts Program (IAP) at Eastwood Collegiate Institute offers students a vibrant, exciting community of artistic and academic enrichment.  Students specialize in one or more areas of the visual or performing arts while still having the freedom to explore new challenges and areas of interest. The program promotes high academic standards and […]

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